Mona Voelkel

Archived News

Thinglink Summer VR Challenge

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 5.53.53 PM.pngI am so excited about participating in the Thinglink Summer VR Challenge!  Thinglink is a tool to add content to digital images or videos.

Every week, the technologically talented Susan Oxnevad will post a challenge.  This week’s challenge is “Design Your Digital Self” which helped me learn how to add links and customize buttons.Design Your Digital Self: Week One Challenge.

I can envision students and teachers using Thinglink after reading a book. Students could  create a digital avatar of a character and create “thinglinks” to show the setting, theme, plot , etc. using some of the “rich media tags as resources or creation tools. Teachers can use the digital image of a book the class/ individual has read and link a book quiz using Google Docs!

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